How to set up an organization for transformative innovation?


Innovation is the key to staying relevant and organizations are constantly striving to reinvent themselves. However, the journey towards transformative innovation is not without its challenges. This blog post delves into the strategies for fostering an environment conducive to groundbreaking innovation.

Explore the full episode here.

Navigating the Path of Transformative Innovation in Your Organization

The Challenge of Incrementalism:

In many organizations, the focus tends to be on incremental innovation - small, manageable steps that improve existing products or processes. While this is important for steady growth, it often clashes with transformative ideas that aim to reconfigure the organization's direction. This conflict arises because the internal mechanisms of a company, especially those in product development or sales, are geared towards protecting and building upon what already exists.

Creating a Separate Innovation Space:

To truly embrace transformative innovation, it's crucial to establish a setup slightly removed from the existing business operations. This separation is necessary to avoid the 'immune system' of an organization that resists drastic changes. A dedicated innovation team, operating independently but with sufficient funding and resources, can explore radical ideas without the constraints of the existing business model.

Empowering Mavericks:

Transformative innovation requires a different breed of thinkers - the mavericks. These are individuals who are not afraid to disrupt the status quo and can envision radically different ways of doing business. This team should have the freedom to fail and experiment, as this is where groundbreaking ideas often stem from.

Balancing Risk and Innovation:

While transformative innovation involves high risks, it's a calculated gamble that can lead to significant rewards. This approach doesn't just involve developing new products or services but can extend to reimagining entire business models. The goal is to eventually integrate these innovations into the broader organization or allow them to replace outdated models.

The journey towards transformative innovation is complex and requires a strategic approach. By establishing a dedicated innovation team, empowering maverick thinkers, and balancing risk, organizations can pave the way for substantial and meaningful change. This process is not just about innovating products but about reinventing how the business operates at its core.


00:00 Introduction to Transformative Innovation

00:20 Challenges of Innovating within Existing Business Structures

01:04 The Innovation Engine and its Resistance

01:42 The Importance of a Separate Innovation Team

02:16 The Role of Mavericks in Disruptive Innovation

02:35 Balancing Incremental and Transformative Innovation

02:59 Conclusion: Building the Right Innovation Organization




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