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My story

In 2019, I held the prestigious position of global Head of Innovation at IKEA Centres.

One evening, after a late flight, I found myself on a packed train from Copenhagen, Denmark to Malmo, Sweden, eager to be reunited with my family on the other side. As I stood there, restless and anxious, I decided to tune into a podcast by Seth Godin.

Godin spoke about the education system and how society has become adept at collecting information but often fails to connect the dots. In that moment, a sudden realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. I couldn't help but question my own purpose and the direction my life was taking.

That night, I made the difficult decision to step down from my high-profile role at IKEA Centres. This was the beginning of a new journey for me, one where I was determined to follow my passions and make a meaningful impact in the world.